WE HAVE A NEW HOME AND MEETING DAY -we meet Wednesday morning at 7am at the Brighton Gate Restaurant
We have a Brighton Rotary Channel. Check out: https://youtu.be/1UCS-Ze-az0; https://youtu.be/o83riO_4YQs; https://youtu.be/an_aDx8L-wI
Members: 11
Guests: no guests but very nice to see some friends we have not seen in a while including Jenny
Women want Love to be a novel, men want it to be a short story.
- A big thanks to R Daniel and Bentwood Rocker for a great performance Saturday night. Donation on the night came to $352.
- We have it from a good source that President Joyce was picking through garbage for empty alcohol containers for the club's coming fund raiser. She is so committed, or she needs a life?
- Next board meeting Tuesday August 17 at home of Liesje and Andy at 16 Anne Street.
- Looking for speakers for August.
- R Liesje working with Jan Hoselton and communicating with District and RI about sales of tree ornaments. 1st to be a pine tree. In 1932 Paul Harris had a campaign and planted 'Friendship Trees'. Plan is to do a series of 'Friendship Trees'. PDG Mary Lou has come up with a Logo. We can get the whole District involved. R Liesje suggested that $1 for each sale be donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
- We are invited to join the Rotary Club of Campbellford on August 10th for District Governor Ron Dick's presentation. This will be at 7:07am via Zoom. Zoom Link - Please invite anyone who you think might be interested, perhaps a friend or significant other. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4033762537?pwd=RzJZSXU5OXoyNUVtQkdKcU9tVFAxUT09 We are having a joint meeting with RC Wellington & RC Brighton. Yours in Rotary, Rob
- We have been approached to organize the 2021 Kiwanis / Walleye Fishing Derby tentatively set for September 18 for 24 hours.
- Next bottle drive will be August 21 (third Saturday in August). R Chris recruited members to fill shifts on the day
- District 7070 Membership Committee is calling for Rotaractors and Rotarians to join the District Membership Committee. We are looking for Rotarians who are passionate about membership and growing strong Clubs. Are you that Rotarian? If you are interested in being involved, please contact Virginia O’Reilly at mailto:voreilly@burakjacobson.ca or 416-919-5450.
- R Virginia also thanked us for update on our club. She thinks it's good to share what clubs are doing to get back to some semblance of in-person. She asked if we expect to keep some form of online as well? And if so, why? She asked for pictures.
- From the Rotary Club of Campbellford: Hi... As part of a major fundraising event, we need some help from you if you are available to assist us... This will be our 50th Anniversary of our Annual Golf Tournament and we are looking for a few volunteers to assist that day (a few hours or for the day) - Thursday, Sept. 2 at Warkworth Golf Course (non-physical help!!) And between now and then, we are also looking for volunteers to help us sell Raffle Tickets at various downtown locations including Sharpe's Food Market (or if you live outside of town, in your own community!!) We will provide a table and chair for your needs if you don't have them. We are hoping you will take a 3 hour shift (or a part of a shift); 2 or 3 times per week and create ticket sales and have fun doing it! You can sell by yourself or take someone with you… perhaps your partner or a friend. If you are interested in helping out, please email Secretary Dave @ mailto:Secretary@CampbellfordRotary.ca of your availability over the next month. Thanks The Firemen will also be out there selling tickets so don't be surprised if you run into them as well. The Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20 and prizes are 1st $500…2nd $200 and 3rd is $100 …Thank you in advance for helping raise funds for our Club so we can sponsor such needs as the “Trent Hills Fire Dept Emerg Fund” as well as the Campbellford Memorial Hospital Foundation. Also… if you wish to play in our Tournament, let us know!
- Tuesday talk it about Social Media - sign up on District site
Upcoming Rotary Events:
- Rotary Club of Campbellford Golf Tournament - at Warkworth Golf Course and it will be the 50th Anniversary of the event. Unfortunately, as we are still under the restrictions of Covid, we are unable to plan the usual dinner and social gathering following the day in the field. In fact, at this time, we are unable to employ the “Shotgun” start technique and are forced to revert to Tee Times due to the number of persons allowed to gather. (We are so hoping this restriction is lifted before the event so we can cancel Tee Times and plan on a 10AM Shotgun start on the course). In the meantime, we can only plan for what is currently allowed under the existing rules with T-offs starting at 9:00am (every 10 minutes to avoid congestion at the registration desk – please arrive 20 minutes prior to your t-off time). We will advise you of your T-off time in advance. This year, we have reduced the fees this year down to $100 (or $60 for WCG Members) because no dinner is being planned and instead golfers are being provided with a light lunch and of course, one Tall Boy will be provided. If you would like to play, please consider getting a team of 4 together (or even one or two of you) and register them as per attached form (2nd page). Let’s be sure to get the registrations in asap. We ask that you email it to mailto:Secretary@CampbellfordRotary.ca and email transfer your payment to the same email link.
- Foundation Walk September 26th, location to be determined.
- D7070 Conference to be May 13-15, 2022 at the Courtyard by Mariott in Oshawa Ontario. Registration is $249 before September 1 and limited rooms for $129 per night. 'Be a Driver for Change.'
- Rotary International Convention 2022 in Houston Texas June 4-8, 2022. Registration is now open.
- Go to District web site for more information on any of these events.
- Check out the District Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube channels to see what is happening in the District.
Song: Hello Rotarians
Sharing Pot: $22 to R Chris who donated it to the Foundation
Happy Bucks: back on the hill, to see everyone in person, back together, Friday mornings sleep in, family you have but friends you choose, great being here, seeing R Victoria, success of Saturday night, Concert Saturday was amazing, to get together, to be back, Saturday night, happy to see her.
Rotary Minute:
Rotary District 7070 Conference 2022
MAY 13 - MAY 15 2022
MAY 13 - MAY 15 2022