WE HAVE A NEW HOME AND MEETING DAY -we meet Wednesday morning at 7am at the Brighton Gate Restaurant
We have a Brighton Rotary Channel. Check out: https://youtu.be/1UCS-Ze-az0; https://youtu.be/o83riO_4YQs; https://youtu.be/an_aDx8L-wI
Members: 10
Guests: Terry Lynn guest of R Daniel, Rotarian Laetitia de Witt from St. Catharines South, and Lyn Giles from Five Counties Children's Centre.

Susan was having friends over and they were working hard to get house spotless for the guests until Craig said he was tired and the rest could wait until the morning. They went to bed and Susan wouldn't speak to Craig. The next day when the ladies arrived Susan decided to embarrass Craig said he was terrible in bed. Craig said you should have seen Susan's face when all the other ladies disagreed.
NOTE: This story was told from Craig's point of view.
- Bentwood Rocker concert had 43 tickets sold with few walk ins likely due to rain before event. However, with R Daniel's support again, the club is netting winfall. Service Above Self..
- Next board meeting in October to be determined.
- Next bottle drive moved to October (I think).
- Foundation walk was a great day. A success. Extra meals went to emergency shelter in Cobourg and Food bank.
- There will be a Rotary Day of Service
- October 21 will be World Polio Day. It was approved that we purchase an End Polio Now flag and ask the Municipality to fly it on the day.
- October 21 all clubs asked to cancel regular meetings for the week and attend virtual End Polio Now presentation via Zoom at 7pm.
- Brighton Rotary are registered to participate in Rotary Youth Exchange for 2022 / 2023. We are looking for host families and a student. District is organizing to promote at schools virtually.
- Sept 30 will be Orange Shirt Day. All encouraged to wear orange to support and honour the indigenous children who died at Residential Schools and the survivors.
- Katie Pearsall is opening a coffee shop in downtown Trenton. The Pearsall's are presently renovating the space.
- The Hoselton Rotary Friendship Tree will sell for suggested retail price of $39.95. Trees are now available for sale.
Upcoming Rotary Events:
- D7070 Conference to be May 13-15, 2022 at the Courtyard by Mariott in Oshawa Ontario. Registration is $249 before September 1 and limited rooms for $129 per night. 'Be a Driver for Change.'
- Rotary International Convention 2022 in Houston Texas June 4-8, 2022. Registration is now open.
- Go to District web site for more information on any of these events.
- Check out the District Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube channels to see what is happening in the District.
Song: You are my Sunshine
Sharing Pot: $25 to R Jeff who donated it to the Foundation
Happy Bucks: happy, everyone is beautiful in their own way, to be hear, fun on Saturday night, video clips of concert on Facebook, enjoy it, to be around, change Bentwood Rocker to Rain Maker, speaker and presentation, Rotary history lesson, sun out.
Rotary Minute:
By Aidan O'Leary in the October Issue of the RI Magazine:
What is the latest update on wild poliovirus? The numbers are extremely encouraging. We’ve gone over a very bumpy road
during the last two years. We had a fivefold increase in cases between 2018 and 2019, when we saw 176 cases, and we had
140 cases in 2020. But we’ve recorded just two cases this year [as of 27 July] — one each in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
[Both cases were in January.] The particularly encouraging part right now is that the program has a very elaborate network of environmental
testing sites for sewage — almost 100 sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan that cover all of the major population centers.
In 2020, almost 60 percent of the monthly test samples came back positive for poliovirus. This year to date, that
percentage is probably around 15 percent. We have been unable to detect any wild poliovirus in Afghanistan since 23
February, and we’ve seen just five isolates in Pakistan since 12 April.
during the last two years. We had a fivefold increase in cases between 2018 and 2019, when we saw 176 cases, and we had
140 cases in 2020. But we’ve recorded just two cases this year [as of 27 July] — one each in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
[Both cases were in January.] The particularly encouraging part right now is that the program has a very elaborate network of environmental
testing sites for sewage — almost 100 sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan that cover all of the major population centers.
In 2020, almost 60 percent of the monthly test samples came back positive for poliovirus. This year to date, that
percentage is probably around 15 percent. We have been unable to detect any wild poliovirus in Afghanistan since 23
February, and we’ve seen just five isolates in Pakistan since 12 April.